Sunday, 17 August 2014

Colourism || Dying to be White.

"Nearly 77% of Nigerian women use bleaching cream on a daily basis". (World Health Organization, 2014). Approximately 23% of Nigerian women, do not use bleaching cream religiously. Now these women are most likely living in remote villages, where they have very little exposure to western media and western ideals of beauty.Nigerians are the biggest consumers of bleaching products in the world.

Skin bleaching is like sex, a lot of people engage in it, but very few will openly speak of it. It's an easy choice made by many black women and men, who wish to conform to the euro-centric ideals of beauty.
The active ingredients found in skin whitening products varies based on the brands and the country of manufacture. The more common agents include Mercury, Hydroquinone, and Steroids.

Here's a quick break down of what these chemicals can do to your skin.

Ochronosis, blue-black darkening of skin. 
HYDROQUINONE: Found in 80% of skin bleaching creams, hyrdroquinone is banned a several countries, however still remains FDA approved. Hence products containing hydroquinone can be easily purchased in your local drug store or beauty supply. This chemical works by reducing the amount of melanin present in the skin, in order to lighten the complexion. Melanin is the body's natural defense to UVA and UVB exposure, by destroying the melanin in your skin with hydroquinone you are reducing your natural barrier to skin cancer. It is a known fact that UVA and UVB rays contribute to skin cancer. The prolonged use of this chemical also leads to irreversible spot darkening of the skin, Ochronosis.

Permanent Discolouration
MERCURY: Now this is an interesting one, FDA bans the use of mercury in bleaching creams. Despite this I have come across a particular bleaching cream in a local African beauty supply store,  that contains this ingredient. A regular user of this particular bleaching agent, will most likely experience mercury poisoning. Mercury can damage your kidney's and nervous system. Now it's fine if you still want to go ahead and use these, just note that if you are pregnant or breast feeding, you are not only poisoning yourself, but also your child.

STEROIDS: When applied to the skin, this can lead to the thinning of the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin. Ever seen someone who bleaches their skin and end up with dark acne and discoloration, they're probably using a steroid based cream. These products often lead to further complications such as hypertension, diabetes and muscle weakness.



Thursday, 14 August 2014

Colorism || Blind Colour

If history should die before you wake
You'd be a blind witness all and every day,
Lighten the shade, Whiten the phase,
Darkness don't exist because you were whitened with hate
You say the world needs more colour
Is it your job to colour it in?
Don't hate or discriminate
Look at your mother.
Now what colour was she?
Black is wonderful
Black Is Beautiful
Just take me back to the time the first man on earth was ...

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Skin tone || The Doll Test.

[Still capture from "Doll Testvideo]. 

Here we are grown adults, complaining about racism and colorism, but who taught you to hate yourself? Who told you that being black is something to be ashamed of? Who played the bigger role? Society or the people that raised you?

When asked which Doll is the prettiest, this innocent African American pre-schooler replied "The white one". This same answer was given when she was asked to choose which one is the smartest. When non-black kids where questioned, negativity was pointed to the black doll as well. Regardless of the amount of times I've watched this clip, it saddens me to see that these innocent children are associating negativity to the black doll.

These kids, barely exposed to the world are already telling you, that they prefer the lighter doll, the white one. At such a young age, the idolization of whiter skin begins and self hatred starts to become reality. We have been programmed to hate our skin color. Now some of you are thinking "but I don't hate myself", but I can tell you right now, at some point in your life, you have or will wish that you just had a little more "whiteness" to your skin tone. Some people will choose to act on this, and find ways to lighten up their complexion, while others will simply move on an accept the skin they are in.

Those who actively seek ways to have a lighter complexion, are essentially making it harder for themselves. Once you start changing your complexion, you ultimately giving lighter skin people the upper-hand. You are paving a path for them to walk on you. Wanting to adopt their complexion instantly puts them in a superior position; so how can you blame them for thinking they are better than you?

Black people as a whole need to work twice as hard to make it in a society that is pre-dominantly ruled by Caucasians. Instead of blaming slavery and the famous paper bag test for the negativity towards Blacks, it's about time you change yourself. It's time that you embrace your ethnicity and love yourself. If we continually submit to the negative stereotypes of Black's in society, we will never advance. Change starts within yourself.  There more you wait around for somebody to accept you, the harder it becomes for you to become comfortable in your own skin.


Our History. Our Beauty. One People. TDC

Sunday, 10 August 2014

TDC || Love Your Chocolateness


Love yourself. Love the skin you're in. Love your God given Chocolate-ness.

TDC| We want you all lovely Dark skin Ladies & Men to love who you are.

TDC| Giving our fellow brother's & sister's the strength to overcome the negativity that comes with being black.

TDC| Educating you all about the beauty of Dark Skin.

TDC| Uniting #TeamChocolate.

Our History. Our Beauty. One People. TDC